Tijuana can only supply water to 10% of its population


Due to its natural conditions, the city of Tijuana only has the capacity to supply water to 200,000 inhabitants, that is, only 10% of the current population, said Hernando Durán Cabrera, director of Tijuana Verde. He mentioned that although the Tijuana River basin extends from the top of the town of El Hongo, located in Tecate, the rain that falls is insufficient for the more than two million inhabitants of the city.

The limit between supply and consumption is exceeded, other water sources must be added, which is why the Colorado River – Tijuana aqueduct was built, but this is also already at the limit of “what it can give us.” in terms of capacity.

A possible alternative to guarantee the liquid to the city is to bring it from other supplies or accounts, but these “are very far away”, which makes this option impossible, said the also former director of the State Commission of Public Services of Tijuana (CESPT). Another solution to the scarcity of water is its treatment and reuse, as is already done in San Diego, where almost half of its population’s consumption is by reuse, although Durán Cabrera pointed out that the installation of these plants are long processes and today the city needs water security.

My opinion:

Water is considered a vital resource and of great importance for the development of life on the planet, being an element that intervenes in a large number of processes and is part of most organisms, for this reason it is of the utmost importance to liquid care. It is also part of an important economic and industrial resource, because it is usually part of different processes carried out for innumerable industrial activities such as water treatment plants, plants to generate electricity, part of chemical processes, used for the construction of houses, among many other functions, observing in this way the usefulness of water in the various factors that over time have been causing its contamination. So in my opinion it is pretty alarming that several regions are dealing with water scarcity and even though they have the sea very close they are not capable of using that water.


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